However, I also blog for MIDEM! It is truly an honor, however, it takes blog time away from here. Unfortunately this means I have to be slightly more professional and can't ramble on about how every Kate Nash lyric relates to my life, etc. But For industry geeks, you can read my posts HERE.
Or maybe Twitter really is "micro-blogging" and I generally only speak in a limited amount of characters.
Much Love,
Em Wizzle xo

Em! I had a really weird dream about you last night- My bf and I were hanging out and he was like "nice, some chick is doing yoga naked," and I was all like "that's not just any chick, that's EMILY WHITE!!!!"
Haha, miss you Casey!! I love it. xoxo
micro-blogging seems to be a real way to go these days. it is human nature that when we are interested in a condensed version we have to read it in its entirety to see what it truly is about.
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