Is it 2008 Yet?

I want to get there just as bad as the few who read this do.

Yes, so 2007 was managing (and booking) bands at Madison House!  Really, I loved it. I always felt so lucky to have such great and hardworking bosses, fantastic bands, fun people and lotsa live music. Show highlights included 2 Arcade Fire shows @ The Church, one with Laura Lolly, one with Jenny Applebaum.  Thanks again Jessica Zambri!  In addition to Bright Eyes @ Bowery, The Good The Bad And The Queen @ SX (Damon!), Grayson Gilmour's first US shows, roadtrip to Boston for HUMANWINE @ The Paradise with Lolly, and many more.  One of the majorly awesome underlying themes is that my Besty Laura Keating had recently moved to Brooklyn!!!!!  (As opposed to upstate NY).  Top that off with the fact that she started working at Madison House and that equates to a super fun year.  I worked at a kickass management company, had the oppurtunity to work with fantastic artists, run around to shows what seemed like every night, working all day with my BFF and running around at night with my friends.  Said BFF:
An additional unworkrelated fun trip was to Glastonbury which I had to return to as my debut Glasto proved to be one of the best weekends of my life.

But what really made 2007 special was all of the amazing artists I had the honor of working with. I absolutely and truly love the music of Amanda Palmer, The Dresden Dolls, any and every time Brian Viglione plays the drums with anyone, Jonah Smith and his amazing band, The Fiery Furnaces, Die Mannequin (WATCH THIS NOW), Grayson Gilmour, HUMANWINE, and although I didn't really work with them I was thrilled that The Secret Machines and Paolo Nutini's band and crew were in my life.  The "Shores of California" video shoot in LA with Katie Kay running the show was a highlight. Laura and I also traveled to Vegas to kick off the True Colors tour where The Dolls were playing with (some of their heros) Cyndi Lauper, Debbie Harry, Margaret Cho, Rosie O'Donnell (who goes straight for Brian Vig), The Gossip and more. I think I cried when I saw The Dolls play Red Rocks.  The making of Who Killed Amanda Palmer was a massive part of my life and I'm so proud of Amanda and how her record turned out. I love love love our memories of recording in Nashville @ Ben's studio in addition her Birthday show and Party to follow.  Wow, while youtubing that clip, I found this one from the year prior when I arranged for Peaches to sing Happy Birthday to Amanda in Vienna.  Love it!  Wowie.  Sean Francis is IMing me while I write this making fun of all of the youtube clips I'm finding of this stuff as he sees it every day.  But it's like watching my 2007!  So fun!  I was next going to mention the wonderful shows Amanda performed with Aberdeen City.  Katie Kay, Laura, and everyone, watch Amanda and Bradly cover "Creep" NOW.

Not to be outdone was Mr. Jonah Smith and his hilarious band including Andy Stack. Bonnaroo and Sundance were truly a freaking blast.

An additional musical highlight is the fact that Brian flew out to LaLa Land to record with Trent Reznor for what would be tracks appearing on Ghosts I-IV.  Amazing!  I'm so proud of you!!

But soon I would be putting my sweaters into storage and moving to Miami of all places.  Laura had left Mad House awhile earlier because she had the tour itch and things just evolved as they naturally do in life.  I could NOT have survived Laura's departure from the insane-amount-of-shit-to-do @ work that was going on without the gorgeous and talented Sydney Wayser. Sydney has since retired from the music Business to focus on what she does best: Her Own Music.  She will be huge in two years.  You heard it hear first.

I threw a 25th bday party at my amazing apartment in Williamsburg.  I miss living with William Smolen so much.  Actually I love living alone, ha.  But I miss having Bill in my life for sure.  Bill will be a blog entry in itself someday but in the meantime, if anyone needs and/or can afford a Lifestyle Consultant, he's your man.  I went to grade school, middle school, HS, and college with Bill and none of it was planned.  Amazing.  Anyway, the party was really a going away party for those who knew and I wish I could throw another as I miss you all so much!

I really love my little life in Miami land.  But it was of course hard to leave NYC!  I will never again take for granted all of the incredible friends and communities I was a part of.  In particular, I'm so proud to be associated with a number of fantastic young women doing groundbreaking work.  You all know who you are.

And that brings us to 2008!  Hooray!  It's time for bed but next up is (still backdated) coverage of Langerado and SXSW.  Next up in real time: COACHELLA WITH MIKE GREENHAUS!!  Prince was just announced.  Stoked!


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About MLE

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Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn Wisconsinite Entrepreneur, Yogi, Swimmer, etc. Background P1. P2. P3. Final Installment.