Barack and The Bees

last year a friend told me about the bees disappearing.


she mentioned a commonly believed theory that wireless signals were causing the bees to lose their way and never return to their hives.  but as this 60 minutes piece explains , it is much more probable that bees are just plain in poor health due to the environment and widespread pesticide use.  it seems that a nasty virus is quickly wiping out the population like a bee bubonic plague.

most people do not take the time to think about the massive effect bees have on the food chain, especially for vegetarians/vegans:

>>[from wikipedia] Bees are responsible for pollination of approximately 1/3 of the US' crop species, including such species as almonds, peaches, soybeans, apples, pears, cherries,raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers and strawberries. 

also, history works in mysterious ways.  check out bill clinton's 'change' themed opening statements in the 1992 presidential debates with gb1 around the 4:20 mark here.  how obama of him.  ironically gb1 brushes slick willy aside for his arsenal of experience ala hillary08.  but, in true obama style, billy highlights his experience in his home state.  hooray local representatives who care, be it a community organizer or governor.  doesn't everyone appreciate ross perot even more now just to keep things lighthearted?

the point is, i hope that billary can fully embrace barack and michelle.  they truly broke new ground back in the day for a progressive candidate and his very smart/talented/educated wife to emerge.

in the above 1992 clip, bill credits hillary for giving him a book with the following quote: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

this is team clinton's first endorsement of obama.  28 years of a bush or clinton in the white house would be considered insanity by their standards.  don't get me wrong, the clintons are the original rock stars of politics.

but how post-jam of barack to hang with wilco.

maybe Barack will save the bees.



Anonymous said...

Actually, UC Davis thinks they've identified CCD as a new variant on an older bee disease. We've been medicating our hive per their recommended protocol and everyone is thriving!

Anonymous said...

& then m. night shyamalan goes & uses it as (partial) inspiration for his new movie...
the happening

Anonymous said...

with regards to the first of the '92 presidential debates, it seems that barack's campaign is a mix between bill's and perots campaigns ... interesting (not perot's platforms, but rather how he ran his campaign from the bottom up with no PAC money)

NP said...

Muzzle of Bees

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