Who is More Aware of the Internet: The Bees or John McCain?

I'm pleased to see the bee epidemic has inspired a nice collection of online word-of-mouth activism.

Check it:
Earth-land is headed for a major food crisis.  One of the best things about the interweb is that it not only informs like traditional news, but also allows the user to take a step further and easily research how everyday peeps can help.  With bees being a massive component of the food supply, it's a bummer that John McCain can't witness The Bees' online voices. Despite being the election year of 2008, a major candidate for president has self-described himself as "computer illiterate." 

But don't worry, the McCain campaign's internet guru assured us that the Senator is aware of the internet.  

And rest assured that the mainstream media has no intentions off of profiting from "the news."  It's not like they're selling merch based on headlines or anything.

Don't get me wrong, I love merch and I love the shirt. Unfortunately, the above T was not produced and sold by The Onion. I wish the proceeds could be donated elsewhere. 

But, as demonstrated above, The Bees are well aware of the internet. Thus, to raise funds to help save themselves, plants, and humans; The Bees are selling merch online too: http://www.printfection.com/honeybees.


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Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn Wisconsinite Entrepreneur, Yogi, Swimmer, etc. Background P1. P2. P3. Final Installment.