34th Street ACE - What's the deal?

Can someone explain to me why the express and local trains run on opposite platforms at Penn Station? Peter Sand?? Anyone??

It has perplexed me for years. Here I am, standing on the express downtown side and TWO local trains have gone by on the other side of the platform. Oh wait, make that 3 now. Either track will take me to the L train and home to Williamsburg, I just always seem to choose the wrong one. Extra not fun as I'm often in this predicament after an Amtrak ride from Boston.

I'm not complaining about travel as it is such a bummer when people do. Traveling is a privilege. Louis CK sums that up nicely in the following clip.  I first saw this on a yoga teacher's FB page, and it's been passed around through a few circles of friends.  I LOVE the wifi on the story.  

But what's the deal with the tracks at this station? Engineering error? Somethinbg I'm missing? Help me people!

Oh, yay, the A train just showed up. At least I get bberry service down here.

Back to Whitesmith land.

sent without wires

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Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn Wisconsinite Entrepreneur, Yogi, Swimmer, etc. Background P1. P2. P3. Final Installment.