Fuck You, Society

Don't get me wrong, you've been great to me in almost every way.

But what's up with headlines like this on CNN.Com?  Listen, I know CNN is a joke and so do most in my generation. But loads of folks do not!  From the midwest to boomers and up, they seriously consider the Cable News Network real news.  And the gross part is, it's better than many "news outlets."  Please don't encourage unnecessary consumption in sources that folks look to for information. I don't expect everyone to spend their time enjoying art, but can you please stick to informing as journalists and not influencing consumer habits? I don't think CNN is commenting on a trend here, they are perpetuating problems that have screwed America in the first place.

Thus, I will try to enjoy my surroundings of Berlin-Tegel Airport for the next few hours until Air France whisks me away to Miami where recycle is a term foreign in both English and Espanol within the city limits. 

But who am I to talk? Psycho Dave just texted me via my (precious) BlackBerry that I left my iPod on Amanda's tour bus. Yes, David, you can borrow it for the rest of the tour. I'm happy to listen to music on my harddrive @ home.  I'll live.

Emily White

PS - AMANDA FUCKING PALMER AND THE DANGER ENSEMBLE/ZOE KEATING/LYNDON/JASON WEBLEY ARE KILLING IN EUROPE RIGHT NOW.  I've seen A LOT of shows, especially starring AP. But it's sick.  Really.  I'm super proud.  Go.  Now.


1 comment:

parowpyro said...

that zoe does some beautious things.


About MLE

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Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn Wisconsinite Entrepreneur, Yogi, Swimmer, etc. Background P1. P2. P3. Final Installment.